Monthly Archives: August 2009

Flash Fiction: An Interview with Nicholas Ozment

The short story was once famously defined as fiction that could be read in a single sitting. When we look back today at the stories that definition was meant to describe — the “short story” of a century or two … Continue reading

Under the Tower of Rejection: A Story’s Odyssey

We hear it all the time from writers, writing teachers, and the trade magazines: if you’re going to submit your stories or book manuscript for publication, learn to handle rejection. Develop a thick skin. Learn to discriminate among rejection letters, because … Continue reading

Earth-Rim Walkers and Those Who Love Them

I find it gratifying and delightful that our oldest existing story native to English — the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf — is unabashedly a monster story. Isn’t that wonderful? It’s generally dated to the eighth century, which means it has … Continue reading