
Dear Friends: Many of you will recall that in the first entry on this blog, I spoke of Tolkien’s idea about roads: that the same path which leads through Mirkwood and to the Lonely Mountain itself is the one that passes just outside the front doorstep of our hobbit holes; it’s all connected. The journey to far-off lands begins by stepping out through our own front doors.

Some of you have followed this blog since April 23, 2008. Others of you (as occurs in all great stories) have joined us along the way. We’ve marched through 140 posts and 3,598 comments!

And now we have come to a great Transition.

Students of classical mythology will recognize the name of Janus, the Roman god for whom January is named. Janus (also called Janus Bifrons) was the god of beginnings, openings, entrances, doorways, and endings. [January begins the new year but marks the end of the former.] In Roman myth, the place of Janus is secondary only to the place of Jupiter (Zeus).

Janus, the god of beginnings, endings, and doorways

In images, Janus is usually depicted as having two faces: one looking forward into the future, one peering backward into the past.

 We are crossing the swinging rope bridge from WordPress to my all-new, active web site, the new home of the blog. I’ve made efforts to make the new place feel like home to loyal readers. A few things will need ironing out, such as the issue of blog avatars (our snowflakes and quilt squares, to which many of us have become attached). I’m not sure exactly how this will work, but I am inquiring into how our accustomed avatars may be preserved.

This is a brave and beautiful new land. Giving me a web site is like giving a teenager a car. As one friend, speaking of me, put it: “You bleed web content.”

I encourage you to do what it says: sign up to follow my blog. In the future, I’m going to write posts here, and they won’t show up over on WordPress. Slowly, we’re going to phase the old blog out, and this new site will be my headquarters on the Web. It’s sad to leave the old digs where we’ve been for the length of a Presidency, but the new place allows for a lot more. And we all signed on for adventure, right?

I’m glad you made it here! The transition won’t happen all at once, but it’s time to start pulling up the tent stakes. Enjoy the new web site. Explore it. Follow its links. It’s a lot of fun. Try commenting here in the new blog location, and we’ll see what happens. And I will try to keep you updated on the transfer of blog avatars!

 “The road goes ever on and on,

Down from the door where it began;

Now far ahead the road has gone,

And I must follow if I can!”


19 Responses to Transitions

  1. Shieldmaiden says:

    Nice Website Fred! I love how your header looks both like enchanted trees and a cave! Perfect for you. There is still the connection to the old blog header of the two trees from your childhood home. Any chance there will be an easy access link to your former blog archives from this new site? …Now, to see what happens to my snowflake 🙂

    P.S. The Goodreads Q & A is great and I loved the Dragonfly quiz! Fun stuff.

  2. frederic-durbin-admin says:

    Hi, Shieldmaiden! Not to worry: all the old posts and comments are archived here; the blog has moved over whole-cloth from the old location. Let me know if you have trouble accessing anything.

    See how to access any of the older posts? Click on “Blog,” and over at the right, you can search through the archives in two ways, either by date or by typing in key words.

    By “joining” my blog with the button there, you should receive announcements about new comments as well as new posts, but I’ll double-check this.

    Also, never fear about the avatars (the snowflakes, etc.) — I am working with my web designer on a way to get some identity and individuality into commenters’ appearances. We weren’t able to bring the avatars over automatically, but there may be a way for people who want to keep their old ones to copy and keep the images for uploading here. I’ll get you more information on this as I learn more! Thanks for your patience!

  3. Buurenaar says:

    Beautiful. I think I’ll take the road less traveled by and meander along this path. Also, I am already converting my friends to the way of the Harvest Moon.

    • Shieldmaiden says:

      No WAY! It is a happy day indeed! And once more all is right with the world. Mister Brown Snowflake’s icon has been restored to its former glory. Welcome back! Fred: You have one rocking Webmaster! Sigh of happiness 🙂

  4. frederic-durbin-admin says:

    Is everyone who signed up receiving automatic notifications of new comments? I believe you will only receive them for threads that you have already commented on. In any case, you should automatically receive notices whenever a new post (blog entry) of mine appears.

    • Shieldmaiden says:

      I am not getting any notifications in my email, and I signed up on the Join My Blog link. I could have done it wrong though, I am not great at this kind of thing. Anything else I can try?

  5. frederic-durbin-admin says:

    It could be that the notifications only show up in your in-box once every 24 hours. I think that’s the way it works for me on Goodreads. If you aren’t getting any notifications by tomorrow, I’ll have to ask my web designer if he can figure it out.

    We’re also working on the issue of the avatars!

  6. frederic-durbin-admin says:

    Look! Shieldmaiden’s avatar is the first to arrive! Here’s a message from the webmaster:
    “I just transferred Shieldmaiden’s avatar to your new blog via a simple plugin that I installed. The same can be done for other users that request it. Each user now has a place to upload an image on their profile page, so they are welcome to add their own, custom avatars as well!”

    • Shieldmaiden says:

      WOW! you did it!! How cool is this? Now if only Mister Brown Snowflake can have his old one back all will be right with the world 🙂

  7. Marquee Movies says:

    This looks great, Fred! New year, new beginnings….. This is a very good idea, as it should increase traffic on the site as well as your blog, which will increase awareness of and readers for your excellent writing. Well done!

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